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Contract with America, 166–68
Copenhagen Climate Summit, 57
Council of Europe, 147–48
Cousins’ Wars, The (Phillips), 173–74
Cuba, 125, 133, 136
Daily Mirror, The, 86
Dawkins, Richard, 133–34
death penalty, 15, 63
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The (Gibbon), 51
democracy, 169. See also elections American, 17–40
direct election, 28, 34–39, 46, 116, 117, 118
election of judges, 142
free elections, 15
inclusiveness of American, 12
Jeffersonian, 17, 27–29, 39, 134, 166, 186
leaders as accountable, 34–39, 57
loss of, 25
meaningful change through, 40
as more easily truncated than extended, 38–39
open primaries and, 28, 29, 31–34, 46
opponents of, 8
recall mechanisms and, 28, 39, 46
referendums and, 46, 116, 165
representative, 59
term limits, 28, 39, 46, 67
two-party system, 29, 32
Democratic Party, 7, 33, 163
Great Depression and, 66–67, 69
health care issue, 90
Denmark, 128
Descartes, René, 78
dispersal of power, xv, 16, 27–29, 46, 57, 59–60, 61
economy, xxiii
arguments against Europeanization of, 74–85
centralization as deleterious to, 52–53
competition as key to, 52–53, 54
dispersal of power and, 59
European, 74–85, 126
European“third way,” 84
European worker, 79–80, 126
government regulation, 80–81
government spending and, 70
income per capita table, 55
Lisbon Agenda, 78
New Deal and, 67–68
share of world GDP, 77
size of nation and, 54–55, 55, 56
social market, 77
state ownership of key enterprises, 85
taxes and, 53
unemployment, 77, 81, 127
U.S. growth vs. EU, 77–78
working days, length of, 77
education, 76, 168
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 12, 163
British election rules, 29–30
direct election of officials, 28, 34–39, 46, 116, 117, 118
European cynicism, 24
local government and, 28 (see also localism)
open primaries, 28, 29, 32–34
policy coming from bottom up, 33
turnout at American, 22–23, 23
turnout at European, 23, 23–24
two-party system, 29
Euro-corporatism, 84, 126
European Charter of FundamentalRights, 147–48
European Commission, 47–48, 134
unelected Commissioners, 134–35
European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), 147–48
American TV programs in, xx
Ash’s summary, 121–22
average amount yearly to charity, xxi
cars and oil addiction, xviii-xix
centralization of power in, 44, 47–48 (see also European Union)
competition, dislike of, 53–54
criticism of Obama/U.S., 14–15
culture vs. U.S., 119, 123
cynicism about government, 20–21
decline of church attendance, 104
decline of the family, 101–3
depopulation threat, 105
desire to prevent recurrence of World War II, 47
“dish cities,” 113
economy of, 74–85
end of U.S. military protection, 120
evils projected onto America as their own, xx-xxi
immigrants in, 105, 106, 113–14
loss of faith in government, 21, 105–6
Marshall Plan and, 83
mass migration following WWII, 83
Muslims in, 104–5, 138
Muslim terrorists in, 113–14
no pan-Continental affinity in, 49
pluralism, abandonment of, 52
politeness of, xvii
politicians invulnerable to public opinion, 31–32
proportional representation, 29, 31–32
richness of heritage, 49–52
rise of Western civilization, 50–52
state churches, 104
suburbs of, xix, 113
as superstate, 52
U.S. view of, as ingrates, 121
European Union (EU)
anti-democratic propensities, 123, 134
big government and Euro-woes, 115
bureaucracy, 80
centralization of power in, 44, 52, 117, 134
Comecon nations, 82
competition, dislike of, 53–54
Constitution, 41–49, 80 (see alsoLisbon Treaty [EU Constitution])
declamatory legislation, 78–79, 129–32
dependency on state and, 99–100
economic problems, 56–57, 77–78, 81–83, 84
European integration and, 44, 47, 49, 53–54, 56, 74, 75, 84, 120, 123, 124, 138–39
exporting its ideology, 139
failures on human rights, 133–37
first foreign minister, 135
first president elected, 57
foreign policy, 120–27
GDP, 77, 78, 82, 126
Haiti earthquake relief, xxi
health system, 85
Human Rights Agency, 147–48
internationalizing its values, 140–41
lack of democracy by design, 48
lack of European demos and, 49
lack of national identity, 109
MEPs, 130–31
military capacity, 126
population decline, 101
response to tsunami disaster, 130–31
self-deception in, 78–79, 125, 126
shift away from elected officials, 24, 147
Social Chapter, 126
state jurisdiction into home, school, and church, 100–101
Switzerland’s refusal to join, 117
taxes, high, 77
Temporary Workers Directive, 126
unemployment, 77, 81, 127
welfare dependency, 92–93, 99–100
worker in, 79–80, 126
working days, length of, 77
euthanasia, 168
cradle to grave welfare, effect of, 105
European decline, 101–3, 105
European Muslims, 104–5
fertility rates, 101–2, 101–2, 104, 105
U.S. birthrates and population, 103
federal government. See U.S. government
federalism, xv, 115–18, 60
welfare reform and, 94–95
Fonte, John, 123
foreign policy
Africa and, 7, 133
American straight talk on, 129
Anglo-American imperium, 180–82
Anglosphere, 182
climate change and, 127–28
EU gesture politics, 78–79, 129–32
EU human rights failures, 133–37
European External Action Service, 136
Europeanizing of American, xvi, 76, 118, 128, 129
exporting of ideology and, 139
Founding Fathers and U.S., 133–34
international jurisprudence, 140–51
Israel-Palestine dispute, 137–38
Jefferson on, 119
sympathy and, 136–37
UK’s Crown prerogative, 185
U.S. aid to tsunami victims, 130
U.S. and repressive regimes, 133–34
U.S. fostering of democratic accountability, 133–34, 140
U.S. protectionism, 168
U.S. vs. Europe, 120–51
Fortuyn, Pim, 106
Founding Fathers, 46, 59, 61
design of American freedoms, 16
Europeanization as incompatible, 118
Helvetic Confederation and, 116
national sovereignty and, 57 prevention of concentration of power by, 27–29, 62, 64, 71 states’ rights and, 64
U.S. foreign policy and, 133–34
Fox, Charles James, 175, 176
Britain’s ascendancy over, 51–52
cynicism about government, 21, 27
pays légal and pays réel, 155
rejection of Lisbon Treaty, 43
Revolution of 1789, 110
stoning of McDonald’s, 137
“the suburb problem,” xix
freedom, xv, xxiii
America as repository of, 8, 41
as constitutional, 118
design of American, 16
as essence of America, 2
free exchange of ideas, 3
of individual vs. government, 4
liberty as virtuous application informed judgment, 3, 98
liberty in civil affairs and, 1, 2
license vs., 2–3
localism of government and, 3
New World and seekers of, 3–4
personal, 3, 16, 33, 42
of religion, 2
U.S. Constitution as guarantor of, 42
Friedman, Milton, 53, 131
Galbraith, J. K., 163
gay rights, 18, 168
GDP, 32, 82
defense budgets and, 83
Norway’s, 126
share of world, 77
George III, 174, 175, 178–80, 185
centralization of power in EU, 52
population decline, 101
Rhineland model, 77
Wirtschaftswunder years, 82
Gibbon, Edward, 51
Gingrich, Newt, 166–67, 168
Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 42, 44
globalization, 182–83
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 144
Guantánamo prison, 14
Haiti earthquake relief, xxi
Hayek, F. A., 25, 160
health system, 85–91
British, 85–88
Europeanizing of American, xvi, 15, 75
European model, 85
Obama’s reforms, 12, 162
reform in the spirit of the U.S. Constitution, 90
Singapore model, 89–90
Ted Kennedy and, 157
Helvetic Confederation, 116
Henry, Patrick, 116
Heritage Foundation, 160
Hoover Institute, 160
House of Cards (TV series), 21
Hussein, Saddam, 122
idées fixes about Americans, xvii-xx
immigration, 106–15
American assimilation, 108–9
American Muslims, 107–8, 108,114
deportation and, 141–42
desire to enter U.S., xxii-xxiii, 107–8
in“dish cities”of Europe, xix, 113
emigration to Europe, 105, 115
identity problems of European second-generation Muslims, 113–14
scorn of new homeland, 115
Swiss and, 117
UK’s Muslims as disaffected, 111–14
International Criminal Court (ICC), 57–58, 140, 148–51
EU relations with, 125, 133, 136
Revolution of 1979, 110
Iraq, 13, 122, 139
Belfast Agreement, 142
Lisbon Treaty and, 43–44
Irish Republican Army (IRA), 112–13
Israel, 137–39
Italy, xx, 27
Jackson, Jesse, 11–12
Jefferson, Thomas, xiii, 17, 27–28, 42, 60, 61, 64, 183
Johnson, Lyndon B., 69
Jones, James, 149
jurisprudence. See law, crime, and judiciary
Kagan, Robert, 119–20, 122–23, 181–82
Karimov, Islam, 134
Keenan, Brian, 112–13
Kennedy, Edward“Ted, ”33, 94–95, 157, 166
Kennedy, John F., 157
Kipling, Rudyard, xxii, 111, 181
Kissinger, Henry, 143–44
Kosovo, 139
Latin America
anti-Americanism in, 8
GDP, 77
loss of faith in government, 21
tinpot caudillos in, 21
law, crime, and judiciary
American election of judges, 142
American jurisprudence, 141–42
crime in European suburbs, xix deportation and, 141–42
ECHR and, 147–48
Genocide and Torture Conventions, 145–46
gun ownership and, xix-xx
ICC and, 57–58, 140, 148–51
international jurisprudence, 140–51
judicial activism, 142–43
London and head of Metropolitan Police, 36–38
minimum/maximum sentences, 142
“new world order, ”144–45
Nuremberg trials, 143
“universal human rights, ”146–48
Lawson, Nigel, 87–88
Leonard, Mark, 124–26
libertarianism, 4, 160
Lisbon Agenda, 78
Lisbon Treaty (EU Constitution), 41–49
Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, 42
democracy and rule of law in, 126–27
political integration and, 47, 49, 56
power of the state as focus, 42,45
ratification failure and imposition of, 43–45, 125, 134, 135
UK and, 135
workers’ rights, 80
Livni, Tzipi, 143
localism, 16, 33
American tradition of, 3, 48
benefits of, xiii, 28, 60, 116
direct election of officials, 28
limited government and, xv
as self-government, 3
state governments and, xiii, 59
Switzerland and, 116–17
welfare and, 96–98
Madison, James, 59, 62
McCain, John, 11
McCarthy, Joseph, and McCarthyism, 7
McGinnis, John, 61
American, xx, 20, 21
British satire of politicians, 20–21
European, 21
Mercosur, 56
Mexico, 8
Micklethwait, John, 163
Middle East
fear of Americanization, 8
GDP, 77
Milton, John, 2–3, 98
Monnet, Jean, 47
Monroe Doctrine, 180
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (film), xv
Mugabe, Robert, 143
Murder in Amsterdam (Buruma), 113
Native Americans, 8, 9
NCPA, 160
assassinations in, 106, 113
rejection of Lisbon Treaty, 43
New Statesman, 15
New Statesman, The (TV series), 20–21
New Zealand, 182
Norquist, Grover, 161
Norway, 126
nuclear disarmament, xxi, 75
Nullification Crisis, 63
Obama, Barack, xvii, 66, 73–74
actions of administration, 12–13, 14
American ideals and, 183–84
appeasement by, xxi-xxii, 74–75
cap-and-trade rules, 15
election of, 11, 40
Europeanizing and, 117–18
federal resumption of welfare, 97
health care reform and, 12, 162
ICC and, 149
inauguration, 40
Nobel Peace Prize, 13
stimulus package, 30–31
Tea Party critics of, 156–58, 162
O’Callaghan, Sean, 112–13
Of Paradise and Power (Kagan), 119–20
Ohanian, Lee E., 68
open competition, 15
open primaries, 28, 29, 31–34, 46
O’Rourke, P. J., 131–32
Paine, Thomas, vii, 41
Pakistan, 13
Palestine, 125, 133, 137–38
patriotism, 33
American, 4–5, 109
American Muslims, 107–8, 114
derided by Euro-elite, 109
European lack of national identity, 109
non-Americans, 4–5
sense of nationhood and, 49
Perdue, Sonny, 32–33
Phillips, Kevin, 173–74
Pilger, John, 15
Pinochet, Augusto, 142
Pitt, William, the Elder, 175
pluralism, 39, 46, 49–50, 97
Poland, 101, 124
private property, 15
public choice theory, 60
Quasi-Autonomous Non-Governmental Organizations (quangos), 24–25, 38, 135, 136, 184, 185
racial issues, 11–12
Rand, Ayn, 161
Reagan, Ronald, 69, 109, 166
freedom of, 2
U.S. vs. Europe, 103–4
Republican Party
birthrates and, 103
Bush family story, 163–64
Bush’s mistaken policies, 18
conservative movement and, 158–59, 163–64, 166–69
Contract with America, 166–67
elections of 2008, 154
filling Ted Kennedy’s seat, 157–58
Georgia governor, 32–33
losses under Bush policies, 169
states’ rights and, 18
Tea Party, 154–58, 161–62
think tanks and conservatives, 159–61
U.S. senators, 19
welfare reform and, 94–95
Rice, Susan, 149
Right Nation, The: Why America Is Different (Mickelthwait and Wooldridge), 163–64
Road to Serfdom, The (Hayek), 25
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 63, 66–70, 71, 133–34, 163
New Deal and, 66–69
Roosevelt, Theodore, 63
Rothbard, Murray, 160
Rumsfeld, Donald, 75, 129, 142
Russell, Richard, 10–11
Russia, 101, 110
Schuman, Robert, 47
Serbia, 124
Sharon, Ariel, 142
Short, Clare, 130
Sinclair, Upton, 84
Singapore, 89–90
slavery, 8, 9–11
Slovenia, 139
small government, 16, 17, 46, 159–61. See also federalism; localism
Social Democrats, 84
socialism, 53–54
social policy, 98–106, 166. See also welfare
Solana, Javier, 120, 134
Somoza, Anastasio, 134
sovereignty, xvi, 57
Spain, 21, 120, 128
Spanish-American War, xxii
Stamp Act of 1766, 175
states’ rights and governance, xiii, 28